Commitments FAQs

What is the Commitments application?

This Commitments application allows units to track financial obligations they have made to other entities—both internal and external to campus. It also allows units to view obligations that other Commitments application users have made to them (Receivables).  

What is the Transfers application?

This Transfers application works in tandem with the Commitments application to approve and execute transfers that initiated within Commitments. 

What is the difference between Recurring/Permanent and Nonrecurring/Temporary?

Permanent (Recurring) Budget Adjustments recur, impacting the available budget for both the current as well as succeeding fiscal years. Temporary (Nonrecurring) Budget Adjustments do not recur and only impact the available budget for the current fiscal year. 

What is an “Internal Transfer” and when should you use it?

Take caution when checking this box. When checked, the transfer is not processed in the transfer application and does not factor into the “Counts Against” calculation. Internal transfers might be used to record corrective entries so that transparency is maintained but the “counts against” fields are not overstated. 

What is “Internal Verification” and when should it be used?

Internal Verification is an optional level of approval that can be put in place before a transaction goes to the External Verification level. Adding this additional level is at the discretion of the department and the desired approval flow. 

Why can’t I delete a Fiscal Year?

To remove a fiscal year, the committed amount must be $0.00:

  • Click the committed amount of the FY to be deleted 
  • Edit the Amount to be $0.00 
  • Click Save 
  • Choose “Delete FY” from the Actions dropdown 
What is the difference between inferred and explicit receivables?
  • Inferred = sub-commitments made to your unit from other users of the Commitments Application 
  • Explicit = receivables you have created 
What is the difference between internal and public comments and attachments?
  • Public comments and attachments are viewable to both the committing and receiving units. 
  • Internal comments and attachments are viewable to only the committing unit.  
Why can I not see all my Receivables?

Quickly ensure that all filters are cleared by clicking “Clear Filters” in the top left corner. Sometimes filters are “sticky” and hold over from previous browsing sessions. 

What is the difference between source and destination CFOAPALs?
  • Source CFOAPALs populate in the transfer dropdowns as options for funds to be transferred “FROM.” These also populate the dropdown to choose a default fund source. 
  • Destination CFOAPALs populate in the transfer dropdowns as options for funds to be transferred “TO.”